Editorial Cuvillier

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Editorial Cuvillier

De En Es
Epidemiological studies on gastro-intestinal nematode infections in chickens

Kalyakorn Wongrak – perfil de autor

I was born in Phichit, Thailand. I achieved bothmy Bachelor and Master of Animal Science degrees from Chiang Mai University in Chiang Mai, Thailand and completed my Ph.D. in Animal Sciences atGeorg-August-University inGöttingen, Germany. I worked primarilywith parasites in chickens for my Ph.D. with Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias Gauly. My time during various stages of my Ph.D. studies in Germany was not only focused on my academic life, but also revolved around obtaining so many memories and benefiting from a truly life-changing experience.My time in Germanyhas been happy and enjoyable largely due to many friends and colleaguescoming from a wide array of countries and cultures. I will always cherish and never forget the people I have met and the memories I have gained.

Colaboro en las siguientes publicaciones

Epidemiological studies on gastro-intestinal nematode infections in chickens
Epidemiological studies on gastro-intestinal nematode infections in chickens
Kalyakorn Wongrak
ISBN-13 (Impresion): 978-3-95404-818-2
ISBN-13 (E-Book): 978-3-73694-818-1
EUR 21,90
EUR 15,00

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