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Serie de libros (96) |
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Ciencias Naturales |
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Común | 84 |
Equitación | 7 |
Leitlinien Unfallchirurgie
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A special relationship has existed between humans and the living creature horse since time immemorial. Already more than 30,000 years ago horses were artistically depicted. The cleverness and beauty of these animals always impressed people. After domestication, horses were made useful to mankind. They influenced the history of many peoples, helped to win warlike conflicts, died in campaigns and in the service of man. Today, the horse is a friend in countless recreational activities and plays a major role in monumental sculpture and painting. In this work, the authors approach the horse as a living being in a unique way. Never before have monuments been so analyzed for the correctness of their anatomical structures.
ISBN-13 (Impresion) | 9783736976863 |
ISBN-13 (E-Book) | 9783736966864 |
Idioma | Inglés |
Numero de paginas | 268 |
Laminacion de la cubierta | mate |
Edicion | 1. |
Lugar de publicacion | Göttingen |
Fecha de publicacion | 02.12.2022 |
Clasificacion simple | Libro de divulgacion |
Area |
Historia del arte Veterinaria |
Palabras claves | Pferd, horse, Kunst, art, Wissenschaft, science, Anatomie, anatomy, Muskeln, muscles, Sehnen, tendons, Blutgefäße, blood vessels, Knochen, bones, Veterinärmedizin, veterinary medicin, Präparation, dissection, Illustration, illustration,Wissenschaftliche Zeichnung, scientific drawing, Kunstwerk, artwork, Entwicklungsgeschichte, evolution, Skulptur, sculpture, Künstler, artist, Denkmal, monument, Reiterstandbild, equestrian statue, Reiter, rider, Reitschule, riding school, Malerei, painting, Zeichnung, drawing, Quadriga, Quadriga, Sattel, saddle, Steigbügel, stirrup, Eiszeit, ice age, Mittelalter, middle Ages, Antike, ancient times, Ritter, knight, Kavallerie, cavalry, Postkutsche, stagecoach, Fiaker, horse carriage, Numismatik, numismatics, Philatelie, philately, Heraldik, heraldry, Eisenbahn, train, Straßenbahn, tram, Schifffahrt, shipping, Arabisches Pferd, arabian horse, Arbeitspferd, workhorse, Zugpferd, draft horse, Biefmarke, stamp, Münze, coin |