Cuvillier Verlag

35 Jahre Kompetenz im wissenschaftlichen Publizieren
Internationaler Fachverlag für Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft

Cuvillier Verlag

De En Es
Cellular fluctuations, alpha-fetoprotein expression, and the question of stem cells  in experimental liver regeneration and hepatocarcinogenesis

Karlheinz Wurster – Autorenprofil

Study of medicine at the Universities of Tübingen, Zürich and Hamburg, doctorate at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen. Training as a pathology specialist at the Winterthur Cantonal Hospital and the Zurich University Hospital. Habilitation and Venia legendi (General and Special Pathology) at the Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg, appointment as apl. Professor.

Visiting Research Fellow at the Sinai Hospital Baltimore (USA). Appointment to the position of Chief Physician and Director of the Institute of Pathology of the Municipal Hospital München Schwabing (München Klinik Schwabing)

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Cellular fluctuations, alpha-fetoprotein expression, and the question of stem cells  in experimental liver regeneration and hepatocarcinogenesis

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