Cuvillier Verlag

36 Jahre Kompetenz im wissenschaftlichen Publizieren
Internationaler Fachverlag für Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft

Cuvillier Verlag

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Hydrodynamic Characterization of Heterogeneities in Aerated Stirred Tank Reactors

EUR 59,88

EUR 42,60

Hydrodynamic Characterization of Heterogeneities in Aerated Stirred Tank Reactors (Band 10)

From an Eulerian to a Lagrangian Perspective

Jürgen Fitschen (Autor)


Leseprobe, PDF (640 KB)
Inhaltsverzeichnis, PDF (39 KB)

Aerated stirred tank reactors are commonly used for chemical, biological and pharmaceutical processes with the highest requirements for constant and efficient mass transport and mixing performance. These reactors are known for their simple design and a very extensive description of their operating behavior in the relevant literature. The purpose of this work is to identify heterogeneities and coherent structures in aerated stirred tank reactors and to describe what the influences of these structures have on the mass transport and mixing processes. For this purpose, both the global and local mixing time distributions and, for the first time, the dispersion coefficients are determined with high local resolution.

ISBN-13 (Printausgabe) 9783736976894
ISBN-13 (E-Book) 9783736966895
Sprache Englisch
Seitenanzahl 134
Umschlagkaschierung matt
Auflage 1.
Buchreihe Berichte aus dem Institut für Mehrphasenströmungen
Band 10
Erscheinungsort Göttingen
Promotionsort Hamburg
Erscheinungsdatum 12.10.2022
Allgemeine Einordnung Dissertation
Fachbereiche Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik
Allgemeine Verfahrenstechnik
Schlagwörter Aerated, stirred, tank, reactor, vessel, Rushton, stirrer, mixing time, mixing, multiphase, compartments, bio, transparent, PTV, Lagrange, Euler, measurement, experiment, particle tracking, 3D, volume, 3L, lab scale, industrial scale, scale up, velocity, life lines, turbulence, trajectories, dispersion, flow, characterization, parameter, sensitivity, analysis, bromothymol blue, decolorization, residence time, pitched blade, axial pumping, radial pumping, power input, newton, Reynolds, turbulent kinetic energy, froude, Begast, gerührt, tank, Reaktor, Behälter, Rushton, Rührer, Mischzeit, vermischen, Mehrphasen, Kompartments, Bio, transparent, PTV, Lagrange, Euler, Messungen, Experiment, Parikelverfolgung, 3D, Volumen, 3L, Labormaßstab, Industriemaßstab, maßstabsübertragung, Bahnlinien, Turbulenz, Trajektorien, Dispersion, Strömung, Charakterisierung, Parameter, Sensitivität, Analyse, Bromthymolblau, Entfärbung, Verweilzeit, Schrägblatt, Axial pumpen, radial pumpen, Leistungseintrag, Newton, Reynolds, Turbulente kinetische Energie, Froude, Kolmogorow-Konstante, Kolmogorov constant, Dispersionskoeffizient, dispersion coefficient, Lagrangian integration time, Lagrangesche Integrationszeit, Gasvolumenstrom, gas volume flow, dynamische Viskosität, dynamic viscosity, Energiedissipationsrate, energy dissipation rate
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