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Serie de libros (96) |
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Ciencias Ingeniería |
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Común | 84 |
Equitación | 7 |
Leitlinien Unfallchirurgie
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Sanjeev Thavarajah is a lawyer and political scientist. He has studied at the University of Marburg, the Charles University in Prague, the University of Essex and in Leicester. He has worked as a research assistant with the Institute of International Relations in Prague and has undertaken a traineeship with the European Parliament. As a lecturer he has been employed by the following Universities: Coventry, Birmingham City, Marburg and Fulda. After completing his PhD at the University of Marburg, he was employed as an analyst with the second-largest private bank in Germany. At present, he is working as the Head of Law and Business with the Federal Association of German Bus Companies.
Other Publications by Sanjeev Thavarajah:
• Thavarajah, S., ‘¿Es compatible la propuesta de incorporación de Turquía a la Unión Europea con las obligaciones de derechos humanos de la organización?’ (2015) (No 13.858) El Derecho Constitucional 6.
• Thavarajah, S., EU Counter-Terrorism Sanctions and International Human
Rights Law: A Comparative Analysis of Due Process Rights (Saarbrücken,
AV Akademikerverlag, 2014).
• Thavarajah, S., Indian Foreign and Security Policy at the End of the 20th
Century: An Analysis of India’s Major Power Ambitions (Saarbrücken, AV
Akademikerverlag, 2014).