Areas | |
Serie de libros (96) |
Letra |
Ciencias Naturales |
Ciencias Ingeniería |
Ingeniería | 285 |
Ingeniería mecánica y de proceso | 846 |
Ingeniería eléctrica | 673 |
Mineria y metalurgía | 30 |
Arquitectura e ingeniería civil | 73 |
General |
Leitlinien Unfallchirurgie
5. Auflage bestellen |
Lectura de prueba, PDF (560 KB)
Indice, PDF (530 KB)
In this thesis the major differences between underground hydrogen storage and the conventional storage of natural gas are lined out to be bio-reactive and gas mixing phenomena. A new mathematical model was developed to describe the coupling between two-phase flow and microbial populations which consume hydrogen for their metabolism. Different analytical and numerical techniques were applied to investigate the storage of hydrogen in the geological subsurface. An analytical solution was derived for gravity-driven multi-component two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media. Oscillating scenarios, similar to Turing instability, were detected. Storage scenarios were simulated including a field scale demonstration in a realistic geological model.
ISBN-13 (Impresion) | 9783736997141 |
ISBN-13 (E-Book) | 9783736987142 |
Idioma | Inglés |
Numero de paginas | 254 |
Laminacion de la cubierta | mate |
Edicion | 1. |
Serie | Schriftenreihe des Energie-Forschungszentrums Niedersachsen (EFZN) |
Volumen | 50 |
Lugar de publicacion | Göttingen |
Lugar de la disertacion | Clausthal-Zellerfeld |
Fecha de publicacion | 11.01.2018 |
Clasificacion simple | Tesis doctoral |
Area |
Ingeniería de energía
Palabras claves | Methanogenesis, Microbial population dynamics, Renewable energy, Subsurface energy storage, Numerical reservoir simulation, Turing instability |
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