Editorial Cuvillier

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Editorial Cuvillier

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The ∆a photometric system

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The ∆a photometric system (Tienda española)

Ernst Paunzen (Autor)


Lectura de prueba, PDF (320 KB)
Indice, PDF (54 KB)

ISBN-13 (Impresion) 9783736972834
ISBN-13 (E-Book) 9783736962835
Idioma Inglés
Numero de paginas 248
Laminacion de la cubierta mate
Edicion 1
Lugar de publicacion Göttingen
Fecha de publicacion 13.10.2020
Clasificacion simple Libro de divulgacion
Area Física
Astrofísica y astronomía
Palabras claves Sterngruppen, Sternhaufen, star clusters, Δa-Photometersystem, Galaxie, Quasars, Quasaren, CP1-Sterne, CP2-Sterne, CP3-Sterne, CP4-Sterne, stars, λ Bootis Sterne, Programmsterne, program stars, Rötung, reddening, Isochrone, Isochronenanpassung, isochrone fitting, Δa-Filtersystem,Δa filter system, Luminositätseffekte, luminosity effects, Metallizitätseffekte, metallicity effects, Modellatmosphäre,model atmosphere, Spektroskopie, Abundanz, Mikroturbulenz, microturbulence, Magnetfelder, magnetic fields, Abundanzmuster, abundance patterns, spektroskopische Doppelsterne, spectroscopic binary stars, Doppelsternsystem, binary star system, Kugelsternhaufen, globular clusters, Magellansche Wolke, Magellanic Cloud, Licht-Variabilität, light variability, Lichtschwankungen, light variations, Emissionslinien, emission lines, absorption, CCD-Technologie, Photomultiplier, Belichtungszeit, exposure time, Zielhelligkeit, target brightness, Astrophysik, astrophysics, Sternwarte, observatory, Hans-Michael Maitzen, V-Lichtkurve, Wellenlänge, wavelengths, Asteroseismologie, asteroseismology. Standardabweichung, standard deviation, Photonenrauschen, Nachweisgrenze, photon noise, detection limit, Helligkeitsklasse, luminosity classes, Helium, Blaue Nachzügler, Blue Stragglers, Sternkollision, star collision

This book describes the characteristics and applications of the Δa photometric system, which measures the stellar flux at around 520 nm.
Since its introduction in 1976 by Hans-Michael Maitzen, the Δa system has not only been successfully applied to the classical chemically peculiar stars of the upper main sequence, but also to galactic and extragalactic star clusters. New possible applications for studying galaxies, quasars and other astrophysical objects of interest are discussed.