Areas | |
Serie de libros (96) |
Letra |
Ciencias Naturales |
Matemática | 225 |
Informática | 314 |
Física | 975 |
Química | 1355 |
Geociencias | 131 |
Medicina humana | 243 |
Estomatología | 10 |
Veterinaria | 100 |
Farmacia | 147 |
Biología | 830 |
Bioquímica, biología molecular, tecnología genética | 117 |
Biofísica | 25 |
Nutrición | 44 |
Agricultura | 996 |
Silvicultura | 201 |
Horticultura | 20 |
Ecología y conservación de la tierra | 145 |
Ciencias Ingeniería |
General |
Leitlinien Unfallchirurgie
5. Auflage bestellen |
Lectura de prueba, PDF (310 KB)
Indice, PDF (130 KB)
In this dissertation, the effect of cold plasma treatment on the comfort properties of P/C blend fabric has been studied in a low pressure plasma reactor. The plasma treatment was conducted on the samples of 65% polyester and 35% cotton blend fabric using argon, oxygen and air, separately, as well as mixtures of O2/HMDSO, N2/HMDSO, H2O/HMDSO and HMDSO monomer alone as working gases. Special attention was given to oxygen plasma due to its wide application for various textile/polymer materials. Due to this reason, the Taguchi method was used to design, analyze and optimize the oxygen plasma process. Other plasma parameters including working pressure, discharge power, duration of treatment and flow rate were also considered. The various comfort properties of plasma treated and untreated P/C blend fabric have been studied. In particular, thermal comfort such as, water vapor, air permeability, thermal resistance and wickability as well as tactile comfort including hand-feel and electro-physical properties were investigated. As the results showed that the oxygen plasma treatment had a positive effect on the thermal comfort and resistivity properties of P/C the blend fabric.
ISBN-13 (Impresion) | 9783736976955 |
ISBN-13 (E-Book) | 9783736966956 |
Idioma | Inglés |
Numero de paginas | 158 |
Laminacion de la cubierta | mate |
Edicion | 1. |
Lugar de publicacion | Göttingen |
Fecha de publicacion | 07.11.2022 |
Clasificacion simple | Tesis doctoral |
Area |
Química industrial e Ingeniería química
Allgemeine Verfahrenstechnik |
Palabras claves | Plasma modification, comfort, polyester/cotton, blend fabric, thermo-physiological, sensorial, characterization, permetest, air permeability, softness analyzer, plasma reactor, SEM, FTIR, electrical resistivity, water vapor permeability, wickability, tensile strength, hand-feel, softness, stiffness, smoothness, aging behavior, wettability, morphological analysis, chemical analysis, thermal resistance, Tera-Ohmmeter, comfort assessment, Taguchi method, vacuum plasma, plasma parameters, cold plasma, surface resistivity, volume resistivity, optimal parameters, fiber, plasma gases, textile, nanometer, oxygen plasma, Plasmamodifikation, Komfort, Polyester/Baumwolle, Mischgewebe, thermophysiologisch, sensorisch, Charakterisierung, Permetest, Luftdurchlässigkeit, Weichheitsanalysator, Plasmareaktor, SEM, FTIR, spezifischer elektrischer Widerstand, Wasserdampfdurchlässigkeit, Dochtwirkung, Zugfestigkeit, Griffigkeit , Weichheit, Steifheit, Glätte, Alterungsverhalten, Benetzbarkeit, morphologische Analyse, chemische Analyse, Wärmewiderstand, Tera-Ohmmeter, Komfortbewertung, Taguchi-Methode, Vakuumplasma, Plasmaparameter, Kaltplasma, spezifischer Oberflächenwiderstand, spezifischer Durchgangswiderstand, optimale Parameter, Faser, Plasmagase, Textil, Nanometer, Sauerstoffplasma |