Cuvillier Verlag

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Internationaler Fachverlag für Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft

Cuvillier Verlag

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Foreign Direct Investment in Thailand: With Special Reference on European Foreign Direct Investment in the Thai Manufacturing Sector

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Foreign Direct Investment in Thailand: With Special Reference on European Foreign Direct Investment in the Thai Manufacturing Sector

Ratchanee Wattanawisitporn (Autor)


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The terms of foreign direct investment (FDI) is frequently considered as concurrently being one of the consequences and drivers of globalisation which result from the existence and actions of multinational corporations (MNCs). In the process of opening up economies toparticipate in some of the positive impacts of globalisation, most of the countries position themselves in respect of attracting foreign direct investment. Besides, the power to attract investment from abroad and its positive impact in improving economies is valued as an important ingredient of the path to successful economic growth and development. The major reason supporting the importance of FDI as a factor in economic growth, particularly in developing countries, is that it can bring to the host economy a number of benefits such as employment generation, business culture, technology transfer, and capital formation.

ISBN-13 (Printausgabe) 3865374514
ISBN-13 (Printausgabe) 9783865374516
ISBN-13 (E-Book) 9783736914513
Sprache Deutsch
Seitenanzahl 304
Auflage 1
Band 0
Erscheinungsort Göttingen
Promotionsort Göttingen
Erscheinungsdatum 19.05.2005
Allgemeine Einordnung Dissertation
Fachbereiche Wirtschaftswissenschaften