Cuvillier Verlag

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Internationaler Fachverlag für Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft

Cuvillier Verlag

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Rolling Resistance Tire Induced Chassis Optimization Concerning Handling Characteristics of a Vehicle

EUR 68,60

EUR 48,00

Rolling Resistance Tire Induced Chassis Optimization Concerning Handling Characteristics of a Vehicle (Band 6)

Keun-Wook Chung (Autor)


Leseprobe, PDF (870 KB)
Inhaltsverzeichnis, PDF (550 KB)

This thesis deals with hierarchical optimization and target cascading in chassis development with particular focus on the first hierarchical level of optimization. To verify the entire process in the scope of a research project, a rolling resistance-optimized tire is considered and applied for a new chassis development. Only characteristics related to kinematics, compliance, and anti-roll bar stiffness are considered for the optimization. Optimization mainly aims to maintain the original lateral dynamics of a reference vehicle with an optimized chassis coupled with rolling resistance-optimized tires. Lateral dynamics, specifically, at lateral acceleration of less than 4 m/s², are considered for the optimization. Four characteristic values (yaw gain of 80 and 150 km/h, and overshoot and peak time of sideslip angle by step steer input at 150 km/h) are considered as the lateral dynamics relevant optimization criteria. The reasons for the selection of these four characteristic values will be explained in detail. This study first aims to fulfill the targeted lateral dynamics by minimizing the worsening of other characteristic values. Finally, an actual chassis optimization result obtained by using the presented methodology and that considers rolling resistance tires is introduced and analyzed.

ISBN-13 (Printausgabe) 9783736996984
ISBN-13 (E-Book) 9783736986985
Sprache Englisch
Seitenanzahl 226
Auflage 1.
Buchreihe Schriftenreihe des Lehrstuhls Kraftfahrzeugtechnik
Band 6
Erscheinungsort Göttingen
Promotionsort TU Dresden
Erscheinungsdatum 16.01.2018
Allgemeine Einordnung Dissertation
Fachbereiche Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik
Schlagwörter rolling resistance tires, chassis optimization, lateral dynamics