Cuvillier Verlag

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Internationaler Fachverlag für Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft

Cuvillier Verlag

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Information Content of Online Problems

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Information Content of Online Problems

Advice versus Determinism and Randomization

Jasmin Smula (Autor)


Inhaltsverzeichnis, PDF (49 KB)
Leseprobe, PDF (120 KB)

In online computation, an algorithm has to solve some optimization problem while receiving the input instance gradually, without any knowledge about the future input. Such an online algorithm has to compute parts of the output for parts of the input, based on what it knows about the input so far and without being able to revoke its decisions later. Almost inevitably, the algorithm makes a bad choice at some point that leads to a solution that is suboptimal with respect to the whole input instance. Compared to an offline algorithm that is given the entire input instance at once, the online algorithm thus has a substantial handicap. Developing online algorithms that nonetheless compute solutions of some adequate quality is a large and rich field of research within computer science.

ISBN-13 (Printausgabe) 9783736990739
ISBN-13 (E-Book) 9783736980730
Sprache Englisch
Seitenanzahl 174
Umschlagkaschierung glänzend
Auflage 1. Aufl.
Erscheinungsort Göttingen
Promotionsort Zürich
Erscheinungsdatum 11.08.2015
Allgemeine Einordnung Dissertation
Fachbereiche Informatik