Cuvillier Verlag

Publications, Dissertations, Habilitations & Brochures.
International Specialist Publishing House for Science and Economy

Cuvillier Verlag

De En Es


Announcement of the publication “In Pursuit of Meaningfulness in Work – The Individual Consultant’s Attitude to the Profession of Management Consulting”. Several years of work went into this book, which examines the consultant’s view of the profession of management consulting, based on qualitative research.

Short summary of the book:

While there have been many attempts to define and formalize the profession of management consulting, involving economic objectives, management and leadership theories, as well as role models and behavioural patterns, little attention has been given to the individual consultant’s expectations and needs as part of the profession.

This qualitative research explores the consultant’s view of the profession against the backdrop of a framework for meaningfulness in work, enabling the individual’s pursuit of meaningful work as a constituent part of their life.

Open and responsive interviews are used to explore the individual consultant’s purpose, expectations, motivations and tensions experienced in their daily work as management consultants, ultimately aiming to identify how humanism can contribute to their perception of meaningfulness in work.

Further articles accompanying the book will be published at on an ongoing basis.

The book can be purchased including the following locations: Amazon.deBuecher.deThaliaCuvillier (publisher).

You can reach out to the author for further information or if you want to share you view, experiences, thoughts on this topic.


“The biggest threat to the new forms of labour prevalent in the brave new world of consulting is not, I believe, the lack of money but the absence of humanity.” O´Mahoney, 2007, p.300
In Pursuit of Meaningfulness in Work
In Pursuit of Meaningfulness in Work
Sebastian Müller-Bellé
ISBN-13 (Hard Copy): 978-3-73697-168-4
ISBN-13 (eBook): 978-3-73696-168-5
EUR 71.88
EUR 50.28

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