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Über das Scheitern

If there is any element that unites all people – whether today or 3000 years ago, whether North or South, West or East – then it is the experience of failure. We are all given the opportunity to fail permanently – with individual differences, of course. But everyone can relate to this topic from their own experience. And yet, there is practically no comprehensive overview of this general phenomenon. This book aims to make a start on remedying this deficit. Instead of a theoretical classification, the book presents the experiences of others who have made this topic the subject of their work and puts them in order. All this is done in order to uncover the conciliatory and unifying aspect of the phenomenon addressed here, namely failure.


To the publication by Christoph Paulus



To the publication by Christine Böttger

Vom Schutz des Kindeswohls in Trennungsfamilien

What is meant by the term “best interests of the child” and how the term should be used in custody and access law is of enormous practical relevance. Every year, 150,000 to 200,000 underage children are affected by the separation and divorce of their parents. However, in order to address the circumstances of each individual case, reference must be made to a fundamental definition of the best interests of the child. This has not yet been sufficiently developed. The presumption in current judicial and political practice that contact with both parents serves the best interests of the child can be called into question, at least in cases of domestic violence. In general, it is extremely questionable whether the individual best interests of a particular child can be identified in advance. The conclusion of this study is that a positive determination of the best interests of the child cannot be reconciled with an individualistic concept of the best interests of the child, which is derived from ethical standards such as the international human rights conventions, especially the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, or the national constitution.


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