A quaternary publication consisting of print, eBook, eCollection and Access offers the modern basis for a broad provision of knowledge. Thus, we enable interdisciplinary research from the same knowledge pool through simultaneous access by all participants.
In our world it is more and more important that books are accessible online. Naturally, our authors have the possibility to have their books published by Cuvillier also available for online access as eBooks in PDF format without surcharge.
As a premium supplier of scientific and economic academic journals, we place high value on extensive distribution and professional processing of your research. Online publication our the website is the first step to distributing your title both nationally and internationally.
An accurate reproduction of your personalised cover design, the table of contents and an extract aids in the sale of your publication and assures intuitive literature search for potential readers.
Online publishing also makes it possible for us to offer your published books throught he Cuvillier eCollection to a wider circle of interested parties.
Our platform for institutional users, the Cuvillier eCollection allows libraries, societies, companies and organisations to access publications using their respective IP addresses. As a result, your research results are able to be used by all of your organization.