Fachbereiche | |
Buchreihen (96) |
Geisteswissenschaften |
Naturwissenschaften |
Mathematik | 225 |
Informatik | 314 |
Physik | 975 |
Chemie | 1355 |
Geowissenschaften | 131 |
Humanmedizin | 243 |
Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde | 10 |
Veterinärmedizin | 100 |
Pharmazie | 147 |
Biologie | 830 |
Biochemie, Molekularbiologie, Gentechnologie | 117 |
Biophysik | 25 |
Ernährungs- und Haushaltswissenschaften | 44 |
Land- und Agrarwissenschaften | 997 |
Forstwissenschaften | 201 |
Gartenbauwissenschaft | 20 |
Umweltforschung, Ökologie und Landespflege | 145 |
Ingenieurwissenschaften |
Allgemein |
Leitlinien Unfallchirurgie
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Eukaryotic cells are divided into a nuclear and a cytoplasmic compartment. This separates transcription from translation and makes gene expression dependent on nucleocytoplasmic transport. The members of the importin β superfamily function as shuttling nuclear transport receptors (NTRs) that recognize and actively transport cargoes through nuclear pores. An estimated 5 000 to 10 000 different human proteins are subject to active nuclear transport. Numerous cargo/NTR pairs have been identified, however, we are still far from a complete understanding as it has been very challenging to setup a systematic in vivo analysis that integrates the impact of all transport pathways.
In this study, we obtained anti-NTR nanobodies against TRN1, Xpo4, Xpo7, and CAS. Our aim was to identify nanobodies, and prepare nanobody fusions, that impede nuclear pore-passage of the targeted NTR and thus, interrupt a given transport cycle. These nanobody fusions were observed to inhibit the partition of NTR/cargo complexes into a reconstituted FG phase. We also observed that the nanobodies and nanobody fusions inhibit NTR transport in permeabilized cells.
ISBN-13 (Printausgabe) | 9783736978478 |
ISBN-13 (E-Book) | 9783736968479 |
Sprache | Englisch |
Seitenanzahl | 136 |
Umschlagkaschierung | glänzend |
Auflage | 1. |
Erscheinungsort | Göttingen |
Promotionsort | Universität Göttingen |
Erscheinungsdatum | 07.08.2023 |
Allgemeine Einordnung | Dissertation |
Fachbereiche |
Biochemie, Molekularbiologie, Gentechnologie
Schlagwörter | eukaryotic cells, nucleus, compartmentalization, nucleocytoplasmic transport, importin, shuttling, nuclear transport receptors (NTRs), nuclear pore complex (NPC), importins, exportins, biportins, export complex, transport pathways, anti-NTR nanobodies, Transportin 1 (TRN1), Exportin 4 (Xpo4), Exportin 7 (Xpo7), CAS, nanobody fusions, impede nuclear pore passage, transport cycle, inhibitor, inhibition, NTR/cargo complexes, FG phase, NTR-meidated transport, permeabilized cells, Ran binding, transport block, nanobodies (Nbs), nucleoporins (Nups), tag-Nbs, NTR blockers, eukaryotische Zellen, Zellkern, Kompartimentierung, nukleozytoplasmatischer Transport, Kerntransportrezeptoren (NTRs), Kernporenkomplex (NPC), Nanokörperfusionen, NTR-vermeideter Transport, permeabilisierte Zellen, NTR-Blocker |
URL zu externer Homepage | https://www.mpinat.mpg.de |