Cuvillier Verlag

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International Specialist Publishing House for Science and Economy

Cuvillier Verlag

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Phylogeny, biography and systematics of Soldanella L. and Primula L. sect. Auricula Duby (Primulaceae) based on molecular and morphological evidence

Li-Bing Zhang – Author profile

Contributed to the following publications

Phylogeny, biography and systematics of Soldanella L. and Primula L. sect. Auricula Duby (Primulaceae) based on molecular and morphological evidence
Phylogeny, biography and systematics of Soldanella L. and Primula L. sect. Auricula Duby (Primulaceae) based on molecular and morphological evidence
Li-Bing Zhang
ISBN-13 (Hard Copy): 978-3-89873-377-9
ISBN-13 (eBook): 978-3-73690-377-7
EUR 16.84 EUR 16.00
EUR 11.79

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