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The stance of 40 Bishops who put pen on paper to dedicate their lives and work for the Poor is in our today’s world an example worth emulating and promoting. To live amid plenty and not feel the pains, misery, and above all, the anger in the eyes of the Poor is a grave sin that individuals, societies and organisations with all pleasure are willing to embrace. Often, the question is raised: Who are the Poor and the answer therein, this piece of research work tries to articulate. When humans created in God’s image are left without essential assistance to ‘lick their wounds’ as Lazarus did, their rights trampled upon, their voices silenced, and even their deserved wages barely or not paid, then we speak of the Poor. In this group of persons, the Poor, the Bishops of the Catacomb Pack of 1965 (Domitilla) reminds Individuals, societies, organisations, and indeed the Church and her leaders to see the necessity to align human, social and pastoral life in the task of caring for the Poor.
ISBN-13 (Hard Copy) | 9783736974050 |
ISBN-13 (eBook) | 9783736964051 |
Language | English |
Page Number | 162 |
Lamination of Cover | glossy |
Edition | 1 |
Publication Place | Göttingen |
Publication Date | 2021-04-26 |
General Categorization | Non-Fiction |
Departments |
Catholic theology
Keywords | 16 November 1965, Authority and Power, Catacombs of Domitilla, Catholic Social Teaching, Christian Community, Church Fathers, Church Missionary Society (CMS), Common Good, Community of Love, Diaconia, Christian Discipleship, Evangelisation, God’s People, Gospel Message, Human Dignity, Justice, Kingdom of God, Church leadership as Service, Mission Task, Missionary Enterprise, Nigerian Society, Pact of the Catacombs, Pastoral Authority, Pastoral Challenges, Pastoral commitment, Pastoral Power, Pope John XXIII, Rerum Novarum, Second Vatican Council, Servant of Hope, Social Responsibility, Society of African Missions (SMA), Solidarity, The Catacombs, The Church, The Church as a Voice, The Church in Nigeria, The Poor, The task of the Church, The Voice of the Poor, 16. November 1965, Autorität und Macht, Katakomben der Domitilla, Katholische Soziallehre, Christliche Gemeinschaft, Kirchenväter, Kirchliche Missionsgesellschaft (CMS), Gemeinwohl, Gemeinschaft der Liebe, Diakonie, Christliche Nachfolge, Evangelisierung, Das Volk Gottes, Botschaft des Evangeliums, Menschenwürde, Gerechtigkeit, Reich Gottes, Kirchenführung als Dienst, Aufgabe der Mission, Missionarische Aufgabe, Nigerianische Gesellschaft, Pakt der Katakomben, Pastorale Autorität, Pastorale Herausforderungen, Pastorales Engagement, Pastorale Macht, Papst Johannes XXIII., Rerum Novarum, Zweites Vatikanisches Konzil, Diener der Hoffnung, Soziale Verantwortung, Gesellschaft für Afrikanische Missionen (SMA), Solidarität, Die Katakomben, Die Kirche, Die Kirche als Stimme, Die Kirche in Nigeria, Die Armen, Die Aufgabe der Kirche, Die Stimme der Armen |