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Cuvillier Verlag

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Exploring the Conditions that Impact Local Administration Responsiveness work to Migrants in selected Metropolitan Municipalities of South Africa

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Exploring the Conditions that Impact Local Administration Responsiveness work to Migrants in selected Metropolitan Municipalities of South Africa (English shop)

Kibreab Habtemichael Gebereselassie (Author)


Extract, PDF (510 KB)
Table of Contents, PDF (200 KB)

ISBN-13 (Hard Copy) 9783736975545
ISBN-13 (eBook) 9783736965546
Language English
Page Number 276
Lamination of Cover matt
Edition 1.
Publication Place Göttingen
Place of Dissertation Speyer
Publication Date 2022-01-03
General Categorization Dissertation
Departments Economics
Economic and social policy
Social sciences
Cultural studies
Non-European linguistics, literary studies and cultural studies (including religious studies)
Keywords Administrative Responsiveness, Local Administration, government, Migrants, non-citizens, Conditions and Factors, demographic, local municipalities, Durban, Cape Town, Johannesburg, South Africa, field research, qualitative research design methods, Semi-structured interviews, group discussions, field memos, observations, work environment, organizational structure, professionalism, external control, community association, economic contribution, inclusion, collaboration, sustainable development goals, migrant council, Reaktionsfähigkeit der Verwaltung, Lokale Verwaltung, Regierung, Migranten, Nicht-Staatsbürger, Bedingungen und Faktoren, demografisch, lokale Gemeinden, Südafrika, Feldforschung, qualitative Forschungsmethoden, halbstrukturierte Interviews, Gruppendiskussionen, Feldnotizen, Beobachtungen, Arbeitsumfeld, Organisationsstruktur, Professionalität, externe Kontrolle, Gemeindeverband, wirtschaftlicher Beitrag, Integration, Zusammenarbeit, nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele, Migrantenrat, Vereinte Nationen, United Nations, Svaras komplementäres Modell, Svara’s Complementary model, Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, Residence Permit, politisches Mitspracherecht, political say, Reaktionsfähigkeit, responsiveness, Migrationsmerkmale, various migration, Weltwirtschaftsforum, World Economic Forum , Entwicklungsländer, developing nations, Migrationssteuerung, Arbeitsmigranten, migrant workers, Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Xenophobia, interkulturelle Kommunikation, intercultural communication, Medien, media, Fake News, sozialer Zusammenhalt, social cohesion, Armutsbekämpfung, poverty alleviation

Research on local administration responsiveness towards migrant’s and non-citizens revealed that demographic characteristics in local municipalities have often caused challenges for local administrations to be responsive to the diverse needs of their communities (Lucio, 2013, Lucio, 2016). The objective of this study was to explore the conditions that impact on the local administration’s responsiveness work to migrants in Durban, Cape Town & Johannesburg metropolitan municipalities of South Africa. The study’s goal is met by identifying five major conditions that impact the local administration’s responsiveness work to migrants in the study areas. Conducted in two rounds field research, the study used qualitative research design methods. Semistructured interviews, group discussions, field memos and observations were used to collect data. Thematic analysis method was implemented to investigate and analyze the collected raw data. This dissertation also used relevant theory as framework and guide to uncover elements of local administrative responsiveness which are associated with migrants. The study identified and demonstrated that five major conditions impact the local administration’s responsiveness work to migrants in the study areas. Local administration work environment, administration organizational structure and professionalism, external control from elected officials and local politics, migrant’s community association, and economic contribution of migrants are the main conditions that impact on the responsiveness work of the local administration. The findings also showed that, anchored in the above five conditions, administrative responsiveness also varies across the selected study areas. This study also contributed by adding new insights about the mechanisms on how the local administration can address the issues of migrants who do not have a direct representation in the local government structure. Accordingly, for a better responsiveness work to migrants and to support the inclusion of migrants who do not have a direct political representation, the study proposes recommendation for policy, practice and research that targets on local administration responsiveness work to migrants.