Departments | |
Book Series (96) |
Humanities |
Medienwissenschaften | 15 |
Theology | 51 |
Philosophy | 93 |
Law | 407 |
Economics | 836 |
Social sciences | 406 |
Sports science | 48 |
Psychology | 231 |
Educational science | 188 |
History | 179 |
Art | 108 |
Cultural studies | 162 |
Literary studies | 115 |
Linguistics | 87 |
Natural Sciences |
Engineering |
Common |
Leitlinien Unfallchirurgie
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Table of Contents, PDF (310 KB)
This publication originated from the idea that uncertainty should not be taken as fear of the unknown that should be avoided, but as a natural starting point for scientific and journalistic writing. Risk awareness is seen as a necessary prerequisite for gaining confidence and evoking trust. Moving from uncertainty to confidence and trust is also an integral part of international academic collaboration, as the discussions of the partners from Germany (Chemnitz), Macedonia (Skopje, Ohrid/Bitola), Albania (Vlora), Serbia (Niš, Vršac), Croatia (Split) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Banja Luka) have shown throughout this and previous years. The project, funded by DAAD, aimed to bridge the diverse cultural academic and media contexts in Southeast Europe and to show that uncertainty can and should be taken as an opportunity. This was achieved through discussions and research projects in the course of an online workshop and summer school and this publication.
ISBN-13 (Hard Copy) | 9783736976368 |
ISBN-13 (eBook) | 9783736966369 |
Language | English |
Page Number | 194 |
Lamination of Cover | matt |
Edition | 1. |
Book Series | REAL Studies / Research in English and Applied Linguistics |
Volume | 18 |
Publication Place | Göttingen |
Publication Date | 2022-06-27 |
General Categorization | Non-Fiction |
Departments |
English and American studies
Keywords | uncertainty, confidence, trust, case studies, academic writing, journalistic writing, sociocognitive discourse structures, Corona crisis, covid-19, science, politics, police, national institutions, united states, discourse analysis, I can't breathe, conspiracy theories, twitter, US presidential election 2020, linguistic impact, global pandemic, epistemic modality, serbia, albania, media, terrorism, news discourse, isolation, trainig, supervision, needs analysis, online course development, doctoral candidates, writing success, learning challenges, students, Ungewissheit, Zuversicht, Vertrauen, Fallstudien, akademisches Schreiben, journalistisches Schreiben, soziokognitive Diskursstrukturen, Corona-Krise, covid-19, Wissenschaft, Politik, Polizei, nationale Institutionen, USA, Diskursanalyse, ich kann nicht atmen, Verschwörungstheorien, Twitter, US-Präsidentschaftswahlen 2020, sprachliche Auswirkungen, globale Pandemie, epistemische Modalität, Serbien, Albanien, Medien, Terrorismus, Nachrichtendiskurs, Isolation, Training, Supervision, Bedarfsanalyse, Entwicklung von Online-Kursen, Doktoranden, Lernerfolg, Herausforderungen, Studenten |