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Tropentag 2023  International Research  on Food  Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development

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Tropentag 2023 International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development (English shop)

Competing pathways for equitabl food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies

Eric Tielkes (Editor)


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Table of Contents, PDF (37 KB)

ISBN-13 (Hard Copy) 9783736978805
ISBN-13 (eBook) 9783736968806
Language English
Page Number 842
Lamination of Cover matt
Edition 1.
Publication Place Göttingen
Publication Date 2023-09-15
General Categorization Convention and Congress Book
Departments Agricultural science
Environmental research, ecology and landscape conservation
Keywords Food systems, Lebensmittelsysteme, altitudinal gradient, climate change, Klimawandel, Bewässerungssysteme, yield limiting factors, ertragsbegrenzende Faktoren, Agro-morphological traits, grain yield, intercropping, land productivity,Agromorphologische Merkmale, Getreideertrag, Zwischenfruchtanbau, Bodenproduktivität, N fertiliser, rice, water management, water use efficiency, N-Dünger, Reis, Wasserwirtschaft, Wassernutzungseffizienz, on-farmtrials, site-specific breeding, On-Farm-Versuche, standortspezifische Züchtung, pasture productivity, Weideproduktivität, conservation tillage, evergreen agriculture, konservierende Bodenbearbeitung, immergrüne Landwirtschaft, footprint, sustainability, Fußabdruck, Nachhaltigkeit, genebank, plant growth regulators, Pflanzenwachstumsregulatoren, drought, Dürre, Anticandida bioactivity, bioslurry, Bioschlamm, biodiversity, Biodiversität, relay intercropping, weed control, Relais-Zwischenfruchtanbau, Unkrautbekämpfung

Tropentag is the largest interdisciplinary conference in Europe focusing on development-
oriented research in the fields of tropical and subtropical agriculture, food security,
natural resource management and rural development. It is clear that a just and sustainable
transformation of our food systems is urgently needed: climate change, conflicts, rising
food and fuel prices, and growing social and income inequalities are exacerbating
the vulnerabilities of our food systems. The theme invites diverse contributions that explore different pathways for transforming
food systems and the trade-offs and synergies involved, ranging from more technical
solutions, such as climate-smart agriculture and biofortified crops, to more systematic
solutions for changing the underlying relationships of our food systems, such
as agroecology and alternative food networks.