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Table of Contents, PDF (30 KB)
This student edition of the workbook Märchenhaftes Deutschland lends itself for self-study or the use in a classroom setting in an English-speaking context. It offers exercises for learning German as a foreign language using selected fairy tales and information about the German Fairy Tale Road. The suggested lessons include learner-centered tasks whose different levels of difficulty correspond with the language levels A1/A2 (basic language use) and B1/B2 (independent language use) according to the Common European Reference Framework for Languages. All modules (12 chapters) contribute to the expansion of cultural competence as well as the receptive and productive language skills of students of German. Each chapter is preceded by guiding questions, learning targets, the sequence of tasks with an indication of the respective language level, and helpful general tips. Important vocabulary with explanations (German-English) and an answer key are included at the end of each chapter. In the appendix of the workbook, learners will also find a selection of websites providing useful information and materials, a summary of the life and accomplishments of the Grimm brothers, a listing of places and regions with their associated fairy tales, sagas, and legends along the Deutsche Märchenstraße, a list of selected printed and online versions of the Kinder- und Hausmärchen as well as the Deutsche Märchenstraße poster (with a roadmap). The tasks in the workbook are not only suitable for engaging with fairy tales, legends and sagas from the German Fairy Tale Road, but also for preparing for or following up on a trip along the German Fairy Tale Road, as the text selection is always related to the Deutsche Märchenstraße. Discovering the land of fairy tales to experience German language and culture first hand and working creatively with fairy tales provide enriching opportunities for an effective combination of German language and culture learning.
ISBN-13 (Printausgabe) | 3736979857 |
ISBN-13 (Hard Copy) | 9783736979857 |
ISBN-13 (eBook) | 9783736969858 |
Language | English |
Page Number | 128 |
Lamination of Cover | glossy |
Edition | 1. |
Publication Place | Göttingen |
Publication Date | 2024-05-22 |
General Categorization | Non-Fiction |
Departments |
Keywords | Unterrichtsideen mit Arbeitsblätter für den Deutsch als Fremdsprache-Unterricht zu Märchen in Deutschland, ideas for teaching units with work sheets in German as a foreign language classes using fairy tales, Märchen im Deutsch als Fremdsprache-Unterricht, teaching fairy tales in German as a foreign language classes, Märchenhaftes Deutschland, Fairy Tale Germany, Arbeitsbuch Die Deutsche Märchenstraße, workbook The German Fairy Tale Road, Die Brüder Grimm im DaF-Unterricht, teaching the Brothers Grimm in German as a foreign language classes, Grimm-Orte im DaF-Unterricht, Grimm locations in German as a foreign language classes, Die Kinder- und Hausmärchen im DaF-Unterricht, teaching the Children and Household Tales in German as a foreign language classes, Deutsche Landeskunde mit Märchen unterrichten, teaching German culture and civilization using fairy tales, Erlebte Landeskunde an der Deutschen Märchenstraße, experiencing German culture and civilization along The German Fairy Tale Road, Reisen in Deutschland entlang der Deutschen Märchenstraße, travel in Germany along The German Fairy Tale Road, Rezeptive Sprachfertigkeiten (Lesen und Hören) mit Märchen erweitern, improving receptive language skills (reading and listening skills) through fairy tales, Produktive Sprachfertigkeiten (Sprechen und Schreiben) verbessern, improving productive language skills (speaking and writing skills), Wortschatzerweiterung mit Märchen, vocabulary development using fairy tales, Schreibaktivitäten mit Märchen, writing activities using fairy tales, Sprechaktivitäten mit Märchen, speaking activities using fairy tales, Märchenwerkstatt, creative work with fairy tales, Veränderte Märchen, fairy tale adaptations, Märchen verändern, changing/transforming fairy tales, Märchenfilme im DaF-Unterricht, fairy tale movies in German as a foreign language classes, Das Hexenbild im Märchen,the image of witches in fairy tales |