Cuvillier Verlag

Publications, Dissertations, Habilitations & Brochures.
International Specialist Publishing House for Science and Economy

Cuvillier Verlag

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High International Visibility through Competent Marketing and Distribution

The Cuvillier-Marketing aims to position your publication by professional, holistic, cross-medium marketing

Our marketing team stops at nothing to maximise the potential of our marketing tools. This way we can effectively market our publications. With our broad range of marketing—digital, print and mixed media—our profile is market-oriented and smartly-positioned. Apart from e-marketing solutions such as newsletters, emails, our homepage, social media, indexing and abstracting, all members of the scientific community, scientific institutions and organisations like bookstores, libraries and so on are regularly informed regarding new releases, retail prices, special offers and news.

All special interest groups are also informed offline about Cuvillier’s latest publications by showcasing its authors’ latest works at various trade shows and conventions. We also visit impactful conferences, exhibitions and trade fairs and guarantee an excellent visibility. We are open to any questions or suggestions you may have—please contact us here.

1. Optimal Distribution: ISBN / VLB / registered titles

All of our publications, including the published doctoral dissertations, receive an international standard book number (ISBN). As a result, your publication is available for worldwide distribution. Additionally, the publication is added to the German books in print index (Verzeichnis lieferbarer Bücher, or VLB for short) of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association. This index is available to the publishing industry in print, CD-ROM or online and is updated weekly. Prospective customers can access all necessary information using

All of our publications in full text with a table of contents, abstract, author’s profile, reviews and press reports (if applicable) are available on our website and is updated on a weekly basis; this information can be sorted and filtered by different terms and, if necessary, downloaded for a nominal fee. The data can also be accessed by different search engines.

The online publications are equipped with a URN number in addition to the ISBN. This functions as a digital barcode in the form of uniform resource name (URN) which is an inexpensive and painless means to find online publications with reliable references.

The data we forward to the German Library is accessible through the German National Bibliography at A print copy of all our titles is sent to the German Library in Frankfurt and the State Library in Hannover.

All publications are added to our overall catalogue (found on our website), where a detailed, discipline-specific catalogue with full texts, tables of contents, abstract, author’s profile, reviews and press reports or advertising material—if applicable—can be found.

All new publications are listed in a separate category and are updated weekly, which also contains the details mentioned above.

2. Outstanding availability: Online-distribution

It is but natural for our marketing-team that the titles of our publisher are available in online bookstores like Amazon. All titles are submitted with a short description and a cover image, reaching potential buyers across the world. We also ask of our customers to submit reviews in order to ensure further distribution and greater awareness of not only our publications, but also our publishing house.

All English-language titles are also offered on the platform AbeBooks, where they also appear with a short summary and cover image, enabling international distribution.

3. Outstanding visibility: Search Enginge Optimization (SEO)

Through our continually managed SEO measures oour titles aoptimally visible in every search engine. Through our regular market analysis and close cooperation with universities research institutes, the economic and industrial sector we guarantee an excellent and target group-specific keywording of our publications.

4. Simultaneous access: the Cuvillier eCollection

Our latest offering comes in the form of acquiring all or select titles as eBooks and integrating them into databases to libraries, societies, institutions, companies and bookstores. The conditions and special eBook packages can be looked through at Cuvillier eCollection after registration.

For our publication customers and their publications the E-Collection offers yet another channel for distribution—due to the improved availability of publications for specific user bases, the awareness of publications is increased and widespread publicity is guaranteed.

5. International network: Cooperation with journals, universities and research institutes

Information of specialized journals, press releases

We incorporated over 550 specialized journals into our database. These are continually expanded our customers are and informed about existing and new publications according to discipline. This increases the awareness of our authors in the scientific community.

For specific publications we cooperate with journalists to generate press releases that are targeted to select print media in print and online versions.

Information of bookstores

Bookstores registered with us are regularly informed about new releases, price changes as well as archived publications. In cooperation with the bookstores, in some stores select titles are provided as display copies.

Information of universities, dean’s offices, institutes, libraries, MPIs, Fraunhofer Institutes

Our databases contain all German-speaking departments of universities, libraries, Max Planck Institutes and Fraunhofer Institutes that are informed about the current publications, price changes, archiving as well as news from Cuvillier Verlag. The purchasing departments of German libraries also receive this information.

Our databases contain more than 100,000 addresses of figures in science and economy—which are regularly updated and maintained. As a result of our targeted, multimedia marketing strategy, we reach a large group of customers, who themselves actively play a role in both the reception as well as distribution of our publications.

Presence at congresses and Seminars

Our publications and information material are also available at the stands of scientific congresses and seminars.

Presentation tile Book fair 2020